Bitmap graphics

There is a wizard for exporting images. Two different bitmap formats are supported: PNG and JEPG.

Click on the "export" button above the desired image.exportImage.png

The export wizard lets you choose between different image types. Use Portable Network Graphics format. It gives more accurate images. If you want to add an image to your home page JPEG is more appropriate because of its high compression rate.

Click on the "PNG" button.exportWizard1png.png

For most types of images you can select the image size.

Click on the "512 x 512" button.exportWizard512x512.png

The file name is chosen automatically. In addition to the image file a matching chromosome file is stored in the same folder.

Click on the "Export image button" button.exportWizard3FileExport.png

Creative Commons License
Text and images are licensed under a Creative Commons License.

This software is licensed under the CC-GNU GPL.