High resolution

If you need a high resolution print export the image as PNG with big dimensions. I produced images up to 5000 x 5000 pixels. You must not exit the program before the image calculation is ready. Please have a look at the logbook. Every exported image is noted there.

Images are calculated in RAM in one sweep. For big images you must allow the Java VM to allocate more memory. You can do this with the -Xmx Option in the kandid shell script (or kandid.bat batch file if you are using Windows). But don't give more more than your computer really has. On a PC with 512Mbyte RAM running Linux you can give 450 Mbyte heap size for the Java VM without risking that the system swaps continuously.

java -Xmx450m -jar kandid.jar

Increasing memory size is only posible if you install and start Kandid as a local application. It can not be done if you start the program with Java WEB Start.

Set the dimension in "x" and "y" text field and click on the "free size" button.exportWizard4highRes.png

Creative Commons License
Text and images are licensed under a Creative Commons License.

This software is licensed under the CC-GNU GPL.